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Articles for tags 'sql' Expression trees and advanced queries in C# 02 IQueryable composition [2017 May 14] .NET, C#, SQL, IQueryable, Composition

In the previous part we have determined that:

  1. IQueryably consists of a Provider and an Expression Tree
  2. Expression Trees can be combined almost as easily as pieces of C# code
And as a result, IQueryables are easily composable.

In this article, we will look at treating our queries are reusable chunks of logic and combining them into more complex yet still readable queries like this:

public IQueryable<ProductModelOrderStatisticsDto> GetProductModelOrderStats()
    // a bigger, more detailed query
    IQueryable<WorkOrderSummaryDto> allDurationsAndRoutings = 

    // is wrapped by an aggregation to retrieve statistics
    var averagePerModel = allDurationsAndRoutings
                .GroupBy(x => new { x.ProductModelId, x.ModelName })
                .Select(x => new ProductModelOrderStatisticsDto
                    ModelId = x.Key.ProductModelId,
                    ModelName = x.Key.ModelName,
                    AverageDuration = x.Where(y => y.DurationDays.HasValue)
                                        .Average(y => y.DurationDays.Value),
                    AverageRoutings = x.Average(y => y.RoutingsCount)

    return averagePerModel;
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I'm passionate for anything that can be programed and automated to make life better for all of us.


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