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Articles for tags 'expression visitor' Expression trees and advanced queries in C# 03 Expression Tree modification [2017 May 28] .NET, C#, IQueryable, Expression Tree, Expression Visitor

In part 1 we learned that you can swap parts of an Expression Tree to another compatible (i.e. with a matching return type) expression. Swapping is, in fact, the easiest thing to do - with a bit more work we can construct a serializable representation of almost any bit of C# code. This opens great avenues for Domain Driven Development and introducing hot-swappable, dynamic, yet safe parts of logic to your application.

One of the best examples of the power we get is shown by introducing a reusable expression function with LINQKit.

internal static class AddressSubqueries
internal static Expression<Func<string, string, string>> FormatCityAndProvince =
    (city, province) => "The glorious city of " + city 
                            + " of the wonderful province of " + province;
//used like this:
public IQueryable<string> GetStandardAddressDescription(int addressId)
    return DataContext
                .Addresses.AsExpandable() // this hooks in LINQKit 
                .Where(x => x.AddressId == addressId)
                    adr => adr.StateProvinceId,
                    prov => prov.StateProvinceId,
                    (adr, prov) => AddressSubqueries.
                                        FormatCityAndProvince // <==
                                            .Invoke(adr.City, prov.Name))
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I'm passionate for anything that can be programed and automated to make life better for all of us.


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